Check out the code in the project below by going to the links and
pressing -
This game is given out individually as students finish the previous game at their own paces.
Basic Game
This game is a review of cloning, because it has clones coming in from edges of the screen. The player clicks on the clones of bugs to squish them and stop them from reaching the donut in the center of the screen.
Wait block
Checking if a sprite is clicked
More cloning
Make the donut sprite in the middle of the screen.
Make a spider sprite that's hidden on the screen- this is the
master sprite, whose only job is to make clones. It doesn't go
after the donut like the clones do. -
Create clones of the spider that appear on a random edges of
the screen and constantly go to the donut.-
In this case, have the master spider sprite create clones in
a forever loop, because the clones will be deleted later.
Program the spider clones so that if they are clicked, they
delete themselves.-
Check if a clone is clicked using an "and" block; If the clone
is touching the mouse pointer "and" the mouse is down,
then the sprite is clicked.
If any of the spider clones touch the donut, the player loses.
Lesson 5
Create a score variable that counts how many bugs have been squished.
Add sounds for when a bug is squished and/or for when the bugs reach the donut.
Scratch is developed by the Lifelong Kindergarten
Group at the MIT Media Lab. See http://scratch.mit.edu.
Finishing Raining Cats and Crabs
This is a different way of using clones from Lessons 4/5. This involves hiding the master sprite away while the clones do the work.
Raining Cats and Crabs Game
Students continue working on the Raining Cats and Crabs Game from the previous lesson (see Lessons 4/5)
Bug Rush
Bug Rush Game