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Lessons 8/9

Final Projects
  • These are the last two sessions, so the students begin their final projects. The requirements are lenient- just incorporate something learned in the past few lessons. At the end they can vote for the best ones in categories determined by the teacher.

  • The kids had 2.5 hrs (1⅔ lessons) total to make their projects. They could explore the Scratch website and their past projects to get ideas.

  • After everyone has made their final projects, have a 20 minute gallery walk where everyone can go around and play other people’s games.

  • Spend the last 10 minutes voting for their favorite projects and celebrate the winners!

    • Several ways to have the students vote: 

      • They can send their project links and the teacher can compile them into an online voting form.

      • They can walk around with sticky notes and write down the numbers of each computer’s game they want to vote for. 

      • They can go up to the whiteboard and put a tally next to whichever games they want to vote for.

  • The final projects from the students taught in the creation of these lesson plans are compiled in this Scratch studio:

Scratch allows user to remix other projects, or basically create their own copy. Watch out for students remixing other projects!

Cycle around the room after about half an hour to make sure all the kids have an idea of what their project will be. 

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